Maureece Rice off the team

Wow. This one came out yesterday just before the Charlotte game - Mo Rice was dismissed from the team for violating an unspecified team rule. Rice was also suspended twice before this season.

Obviously this is bad, but Maureece hasn't been very consistent this season, so who knows what it might mean for the team. It's got to be disheartening though. With Mo out, the team went 1-2, beating Longwood and losing to Charlotte and UMBC. Then again, the team might have gone 1-2 with him.

This also can't help Mo's pro prospects, which were probably D-League or CBA anyway.

Who knows what the reason is - grades, attitude, something else. Here's GW's statement:
George Washington University senior Maureece Rice (Philadelphia, PA) has been dismissed from the men’s basketball program, GW coach Karl Hobbs announced Thursday. Rice was dismissed for failure to adhere to team rules, according to Hobbs.
The AP had an article too and at GWHoops, folks are talking about legal privacy concerns.


r said…
No insider word? This broke an over an hour ago. Surely someone on the boards is claiming a friend of a friend who works for the AD told them that...

Put me down for 5 that he sucker punched Hobbs - Carmelo Anthony style.

No wait. Providing alcohol to a group of 12 underage girls.
r said…
12 girls, not girls that are 12
Anonymous said…
Yeah well the team hasn't been showing up all year anyway...At least Maurice has an excuse not to show anymore.

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