Hometown: Dallas, TX
Uniform number, and why: #33, because my Lord & Savior (Jesus Christ) was resurrected when He was 33 years old! I want to honor Him in everything I do!
Sneaker size: 13
Best part of your game: 3-point shooting
Still need to work on: defense and getting stronger
Game day superstition: don't really have one
What you like about DC so far: the excitement going on everywhere!
College team you'd love to play: U of Texas
First thing you'd buy after signing an NBA contract: Lamborghini
Favorite athlete and pro team: Dirk Nowitzki; Dallas Mavericks
Favorite class in high school: team sports
Planned major: sports management
Class you're looking forward to at GW: ?
Typical breakfast: ideally eggs..if not, good ole cereal and a banana
Favorite musical artists: Anberlin, Hillsong United, Red, Linkin Park, POD, David Crowder Band
Favorite movie: The Passion of the Christ, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Dumb and Dumber
Favorite video game: Madden, Halo, NBA 2k series
Last thing you read: Isaiah 32:17
Your best sports moment: scoring 38 points in the finals of the Cistercian Tournament and beating the host team.
Biggest influence in your life: Jesus Christ and my awesome family
Good luck to him in any case.