The GW Band scream is the worst thing ever

I like the GW band -- they play good songs well and get folks pumped up. They're dedicated and help make GW games fun.

But when the opposing team commits a shooting foul, a young woman lets out a horrible, blood-curdling scream. I'm not sure why; it's not funny, not distracting to the players or anything. It's just damn annoying to the fans. It's worse when the band is under the basket, but it still sucks when they're in their normal spot.

And I'm not the only one: there are two separate threads about it on, plus I've compiled here a bunch of people on Twitter complaining about it.

One of the GWHoopsters actually says the screamer yelled right in Kethan's face when they were down on the end zone: not cool. A person, presumably a former band member, said it was a 10 year old tradition, but I don't ever remember hearing it. If it's a tradition, it's not a very good one.

There's a lot of fun things you can do around fouls (like "you let the whole team down,") and that scream is not one of them.

Band, we love you. Stop the scream.


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