Kangy the Kangaroo, GW's good luck charm during the A-10 title season, sent me a note via his Facebook, and also on GWHoops.com. Here's his note to me:
I see from your writings that I am missed. Be aware that this is all part of my larger plan, my friend. I will one day return, when the time has come. GW Basketball will return to glory!He sounds like the Quetzalcoatl of GW basketball.
Here's his longer note at at GWhoops.com:
Hey guys-
I spoke with Kangy via facbeook just this afternoon, and he appreciates your concern and support. He informs me that he is safe and sound, enjoying the weather far away from the serious fire threats. He refused to tell me his exact whereabouts.
Anyway, as some of you may or may not know, Kangy decided to return home for a bit following the 2006-2007 season. He cited the fact that he thought our team had peaked and a wanting to find his biological parents. He set out from the shores of Atlantic City sometime during May of that year, finally ending up in Australia not until sometime in September. He had lost nearly 25 pounds in kangaroo fat by journey's end.
However, unbeknownst to him before setting out on his journey, he was soon to become a father. Kangy Jr. was born in late December, conceived during GW's glorious run through the A-10 tournament, led by Carl "The Cat" Elliott. I won't say exactly where or with whom Kangy Jr. came into being, but I think many of us have been to Atlantic City and can imagine.
Anyway, it's still unclear whether Kangy Jr. possesses any of the "cursing" power that his father did, but it is also possible that this ability may have been hampered due to lack of a proper pouch for gestation.
Kangy isn't sure when he will return to the States as of yet, but he has informed me that his return will be timed for maximal impact (ie a team which is a real threat in the A-10 and needs just a little extra push).
He sends his best.