Little George: Worst Mascot in the Nation

More from the Nobody Likes Little George Department: College Hoops Heaven, a Philly sports blog, names Little George the worst mascot in the land. Then again, they're a Philly blog, so they probably throw snowballs at Santa Claus and think the weird looking Temple Owl is awesome. Then they go drink some "wooder."

But come on, Little George is worse than the Billiken?

Previously on Colonial Hoops: Little George 6th Worst in the Country


Anonymous said…
The Tree from Stanford deserves to be the worst college mascot, however, Little George is not far behind. George needs to be revamped and updated to the current times and made to look as if he is fearless to the opposing team. He looks to much like a nice guy to be a Mascot. However, why wasn't George Mason's mascot not mentioned?
Andrew W said…
Good point. Little George kind of has a "don't hurt me" face rather than a tough face. Some kind of foam guy would be cool, like Michigan State's

And I sort of like Mason's mascot, just because it's so weird.
Worst mascot - what about Western Kentucky's red blob?

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